Here is what I started writing about several weeks ago: how I was spinning around a dance floor recently to a lively polka, and my partner and I hit a patch of water someone had spilled. BOOM! Down we went, with me smacking my head hard on the floor. Immediately, a large goose egg started emerging, and someone went to her home next door and retrieved a half bag of frozen mangoes, which I then held on my head for the rest of the evening.
As I was writing about this, however, I found myself thinking, “Really, Cheri? This is all you have to write about? Frozen magnoes on your head?” I realized then that it is time to sign off this blog. I do this with some regret, as I’ve enjoyed writing, and I’ve enjoyed communicating with so many of you who have commented about something I’ve written. I’m sure I’ll probably come up with some brilliant topics after I close down my site, but I find myself mostly motivated to write other things now, rather than this blog.
I started the blog, kicking and screaming, because my Cottonwood Press web person at the time insisted that I needed a bigger web “presence.” She wanted me to write only about education, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to come up with the three entries she recommended per week. That’s why I came up with the name “Scattershot” and the idea that I’d write about education, creativity, humor, life, all kinds of “stuff.”
And I did. 634 entries since spring of 2007. Yikes. I can't say that they improved my web presence, but I found that I enjoyed how they made me pay more attention to the world around me, as I was always in need of topics.
It’s time to move on and stop paying the monthly blog site fee, since I write so rarely. Over the next couple of weeks, I’m copying all the entries into a Word document, and I’m also going to see if there is a way to archive them on one of my other sites, or After that, Scattershot will disappear.
So, this is a blog goodbye and a big “thank you!” to everyone who has bothered to read me over the years. If any of you ever need to contact me in the future, you can always email “info” at either or (I’m advised not to post my personal email on a web site page, but if you have it, you’re welcome to use it as well.) I’m also on Facebook.
Again, thank you!
MY HEART IS BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Don Cook | December 11, 2015 at 05:04 PM